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Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Frankenstein Essay
In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley makes an enthusiasm for human life however the enthusiasm for human life comes in the afterlife. Human life has stretched because of the achievements of researchers in the district of clinical science. Broadening human life turned into the objective of a researcher named Victor Frankenstein. Past needing to broaden life, he likewise wanted to forestall future passings of incalculable guiltless individuals and to lessen the idea of death itself. Following Frankenstein, researchers at MIT started investigating approaches to propel life. After numerous years Frankenstein’s objectives and aspirations of broadening human life proceed, as researchers lead research on cloning and recovering body parts to assist humankind with living longer. As a researcher, Victor realizes his duty is to support humankind; in any case, in the event that he can't find something that will, at any rate his exploration should lay a base for different researchers. à ¢â‚¬Å"My activities may be perpetually confused, and finally my work be blemished; yet, when I considered the improvement which consistently happens in science and mechanics, I was urged to trust my current endeavors would at any rate establish the frameworks of future successes†(P 43). By that quote, the peruser can see that Frankenstein’s want to meddle with nature can not be accused, since his activity as a researcher is to ensure the endurance of mankind. His responsibility and desire ought to be applauded as he clarifies that, â€Å"In different investigations you go the extent that others have gone before you, and there is nothing more to know, yet in a logical interest there is ceaseless nourishment for revelation and wonder†(P 62). He comprehends there are numerous prospects in the field of science and he realizes he should simply try different things with those conceivable outcomes. In the event that Frankenstein had not tested during the 1800s, researchers would not have accomplished as much as they have today in the territories of cloning and making human body parts. To demonstrate the significance of testing science as far as possible, he strongly states, â€Å"yet with what number of things are we upon the verge of getting familiar, if w eakness or lack of regard didn't limit our inquiries†(P 65). The researcher inside Frankenstein prompts him to make his beast, and doesn't consider himself to be playing God though Shelley depicts him as playing God. Shelley accepted that science helps humanity in different manners yet theres a line that numerous researcher cross and wind up going excessively far. She deciphers this inclination towards science with Frankenstein by making a main impetus inside him toâ help humankind vanquish demise and ailments. Be that as it may, when he at long last arrives at his objective of his endeavors and sees his animal and its grotesqueness, he gets some distance from it and escapes the immensity he made, â€Å"How would i be able to portray my feelings at this disaster, or how depict the rapscallion whom with such limitless torments and care I had tried to form?†(P 72). From that second on he attempts to stifle the results of his investigations and needs to get away from them by working in different sciences. Victor even pulls back from his companions and mental changes are noticeable. Shelley appears not to censure the demonstration of creation yet rather Frankenstein’s absence of eagerness to acknowledge the obligation regarding his deeds. His creation just turns into a beast right now his maker abandons it. Subsequently Frankenstei n cautions of the imprudent utilization of science. Then again, researchers at MIT started working with human tissue to make counterfeit human body parts for substitution treatment, where researcher cautiously and completely screen the elements of this creation. â€Å"We can utilize this heart tissue and use it on an individual who is having issues with his heart†states an analyst in a MIT narrative (The Science of IPS Cells). The statement underlines that despite the fact that researchers appear to change the method of God manifestations, this advantages mankind by sparing lives. Frankenstein needs to prevent individuals from passing on, and in the wake of finding the mystery of life, he explores, so another person can be spared. Researchers today nearly do a similar thing as Frankenstein; they have discovered approaches to broaden life yet on the off chance that they come up short at this, they follow their means and experience the procedure again to fix botches not at all like Victor. Taking everything into account, Dr. Victor Frankenstein turned into an author for the accomplishments in clinical science today. He ought not be reprimanded for playing God and messing with nature, rather he ought to be attributed for testing to broaden human life today. Without his trials clinical science would not be as cutting edge as it is currently, and researchers would not have the test to begin their examination. Analysts at MIT realize that Frankenstein is directly in his desire to propel human life, hence they and different researchers today keep on investigating in the field of life. Shelley effectively puts herself in the psyche of a researcher with the creation Frankenstein.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Harrison Bergeron Theme Analysis Essay Example
Harrison Bergeron Theme Analysis Essay Example Harrison Bergeron Theme Analysis Paper Harrison Bergeron Theme Analysis Paper Harrison Bergeron Analysis This unmistakable disparity high schooler them is out of line and makes rivalry, so the administration chooses to put a commotion machine in Georges ear which will go off now and again to shield him from deduction excessively hard. Hazel, then again, doesnt need to wear any such devise. Notably, this couple has a child named Harrison, anyway when he was more youthful he was so excessively capable that they couldnt control him with ordinary ways, so the Handicapper General (the association responsible for making all equivalent) chose to detain him, as they accepted he was arranging an administration topple at the age f 14. At the current day George and Hazel are loosening up observing some limited ballet performers perform ineffectively when an administration declaration interferes with the show. Harrison has gotten away from jail, and shock, hes at the ballet dancer appear. He tears of the many pounds of limitations, his veil, and the entirety of different restrictions, and he proclaims himself head. He at that point claims one of the ballet dancers as him ruler and they move together in a unimaginably excellent manner, coming full circle with an all-encompassing kiss wherein they overlook gravity. At last theyre fired with a shotgun by the Handicapper General and they bite the dust. George and Hazel without further ado a while later overlook what was tragic on the TV. There are numerous topics which this short story raises so as to make the peruser question how far the person wishes government control to go. These subjects incorporate correspondence, rivalry, and restriction. Anyway they would all be able to be summarized into one subject proclamation. : To limit the opportunity and conceal the abilities of the skilled so as to stop uncalled for rivalry winds up profiting body, as it makes a general public wherein no one attempts to improve the world, the unskilled get considerably increasingly incompetent, and rights which fairness ought to secure wind up being devastated by oversight. As exhibited by George Burgeon consummately, each one of those with an unreasonable ability are crippled and kept from displaying their ability appropriately. While this ends up shielding the brilliant from prevailing over the imbecilic, it additionally keeps society from improving. At the point when George has an idea about possibly not incapacitating ballet performers so the show improves, it is quickly pushed path by his ear handicap. Thus, a possibly advantageous thought is closed down before it can even be examine. Notwithstanding hurting society by not permitting conceivably valuable plans to be talked about, these debilitations Just make the idiotic more idiotic. Albeit numerous individuals arent intellectually gifted, they can improve their abilities through difficult work and training from individuals, for example, educators and guardians. Regardless of always being unable to coordinate those normally progressively skilled then them, individuals would have the option to get instructed and equipped for basic reasoning. As is prove by Hazel, none of this improvement occurs in 2081. She not the slightest bit would be viewed as normal today, as she continually overlooks things and never has an independent mind, bringing about a beneath normal scholar never improving, and accordingly being less prepared to do profound contemplations then todays underneath normal IQ individual, who can improve their capacities. By making correspondence many accept this would be a definitive satisfaction of regular rights, not state in this situation. Rights which are prized in cutting edge society are crunched upon, most prominently free discourse. The manner by which individuals are made normal in this world requires the individuals who think not to do as such, and when something happens to start an idea, a TV slot is briefly closed down or a clamor is sent through the mind. Opportunity of articulation isn't permitted, as any individual who addresses the framework is tossed Behind bars, for example, Harrison. This story is about how far one is happy to go to accomplish balance, and the dangerous incline situation which it presents it very startling.
Thursday, July 30, 2020
4 Tips for Letters of Recommendation COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
4 Tips for Letters of Recommendation COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One of the most valuable components of your application package are the letters of recommendation. These three letters tell us who you are from the perspectives of the professors, colleagues and supervisors who presumably know you the best. So make sure you chose three recommenders who, either individually or in aggregate, will give us the best sense of your qualifications for study at SIPA. When it comes to selecting these three people, you should: 1. Select Appropriate References SIPA prefers that your three references be a mix of professors, internship supervisors, and former or current employers/colleagues. (We do not recommend using relatives as references.) You should select references who know you and your work well enough to comment on it and should be people who will speak highly of you. When getting a reference from a job or internship, choose someone who was in a position of authority over you and who viewed your work firsthand. Dont, for example, use the company president as your reference unless that person worked closely with you. (A generic paragraph from the CEO wont hold more weight than a detailed-page written by a direct supervisor.) Also, do not use co-workers in positions equal to yours as their objectivity may be subject to question and their opinion not as highly valued. 2. Make Sure They Actually Like You OK, this seems obvious, but youd be surprised at how many letters we receive where the recommender admits in their letter that they have nothing positive to say about the applicant, or they dont know why the applicant asked them to write a letter on their behalf. So make sure you choose people you actually have a professional relationship with and who actually want to write a letter for you. 3. Remind Your Recommender Who You Are Oftentimes youll be reaching out to a professor or former employer you havent spoken to in months (or even years). While they may remember your name, theyre not necessarily going to remember everything you accomplished while working with them. So its a good idea to give the recommender a written outline highlighting your job duties, classroom projects, accomplishments or skills learned under their leadership. Make sure the outline you provide them is as accurate and specific as possible to help jog their memory. If that doesnt work, dont be surprised if youre asked to draft a letter yourself. It may be a little awkward writing your own recommendation letter, but its a great way to take an objective look at your performance. So you should be honest, but definitely not modest! 4. Tell Them About Your Goals, as They Relate to SIPA Dont forget to explain to your recommender why youre applying to SIPA and what you hope to accomplish with your degree. Too often we receive generic letters that dont apply to the course of study youre applying to, and therefore hold little to no weight. So when outlining your past achievements for the recommender to review, you should also include details that relate directly to the MIA/MPA program.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Author Profile Maya Angelou - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 987 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2019/10/30 Category People Essay Level High school Tags: Maya Angelou Essay Did you like this example? Author Profile: Maya Angelou        Dr. Maya Angelou, award winning author, poet, actress, director, dancer, educator, and activist was birthed with the name Marguerite Johnson on April 4th, 1928 in St. Louis, Missouri. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings, is one of her most famous pieces of work that describes her life in her younger years. At a young age, her parents separated which resulted in her and her older brother being sent to live with her grandmother in Stamps, Arkansas.        At the age of seven, Angelou was sexually molested by her mothers boyfriend at the time. After gaining the courage to speak up about what her mothers boyfriend had did to her, Angelous uncles killed him out of vengeance. Coping with such a horrific and traumatic experience, the young seven-year-old, went into a five-year period of complete silence. During this prolonged mute, she developed a love for literature. Angelou finally began to speak again at the age of twelve with the help of a someone dear to her by the name of Mrs. Flowers. Angelou went on to write a childrens book Mrs. Flowers: A Moment of Friendship. In this book, Angelou shares how much of an impact Mrs. Flowers had on her from exposing her to her new profound love of spoken word and written poetry and the importance of being educated. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Author Profile: Maya Angelou" essay for you Create order        After while in high school, Angelou accepted a scholarship to California Labor School in San Francisco where she studied dance and acting. At the age of seventeen, she gave birth to her son, Guy Johnson, whos father was from a short-lived high school relationship. In order to support herself and her new born son, she worked as a street car conductor becoming the first African American and first female to hold this position. In her third autobiography, Singin and Swingin and Gettin Merry like Christmas, Angelou shares how she worked several different jobs to make ends meet for the family of two. In 1950, she married a Greek sailor by the name of Tosh Angelos. After a few years, the two divorced. Shortly after, she was a featured in the Purple Onion cabaret as a singer who gained the attention of many scouts. As her career began to take shape, she began re-branding herself. Using a childhood nickname and part of her ex husbands last name, she began to refer to herself as Maya Angelou. Angelou earned a role in the Porgy and Bess production tour, and Calypso Heat Wave. She later released her first album, Miss Calypso. Along with her long resume of accolades, Angelou earned a Tony Award nomination, and an Emmy Award nomination. She joined the Harlem Writers Guild which is where she met writer James Baldwin. She was In the 1960s Angelou moved abroad to work as a freelance writer and editor first living in Egypt, and then Ghana. After returning to the United States in 1964, she published her autobiography I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings which was a nationwide success and her most famous work. Out of her 7 published autobiographies, I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings was her bestselling piece but was also the one of the most publicly controversial. Upon its release, the autobiography was banned from many schools because of its topics of race, violence, and sex. Maya Angelou took fifteen years to write the A Song Flung up to Heaven to one of her last autobiographies. When asked why it took so long to be completed and published, she told interviewers that she didnt know how to account for four years of hurt to not only her but the entire African American community and yet remain encouraging. In this volume, she covers the assassination of Malcolm X and Martin Luther King Jr., the Watts riot, and her divorce. While writing her volumes of autobiographies, Maya Angelou also had a career in film and author of childrens books. She became the first African American woman to produce a screenplay. In 1977, she was an Emmy nominee for her role in Roots. Poetry used in the 1993 film Poetic Justice was written by Angelou, she also starred in the film in the role of Aunt June. In 1993 and 1995, she also starred in the films There Are No Children Here and How to Make an American Quilt. In between film and writing her autobiographies, Angelou, released a number of poems. Her most popular were The Complete Collected Poems of Maya Angelou and Phenomenal Woman. Maya Angelou is ranked among the literary greats of the world. I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings which was her first autobiography published in 1970. After years of being banned from schools around the country, later became paramount to the discussion of African American literature. It tells her life story, bring controversial topics to the surface, as well as exposes readers to great writing examples. Her two poems Still I Rise and Phenomenal Woman are of favorites for many, especially women. They are both very relatable poems. Still I Rise encourages readers to not allow the stress of the world to consume you and break you down but continue to rise and confidently defeat whatever obstacle may come. Phenomenal Woman is a poem about self-esteem. It empowers women to be confident and self-loving regardless to who else may not your value. All of which are relevant to contemporary society and arguable more relevant than ever. There is an alarming increasing rate of young women who are seeking cosmetic surgery to change their physical appearance. All 3 pieces reflect on this matter; from a persons upbringing and childhood experiences, to their mental and spiritual health. Dr. Maya Angelou has achieved more in than many could ever dream of. Being able to juggle the role as an African American single mother, author, actress, director, singer, poet, civil rights activist, writer, dancer, editor, essayist and playwright, all in one lifetime is unfathomable to many and a lifetime inspiration to all.
Sunday, May 10, 2020
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on College Paper Writing Help
If You Read Nothing Else Today, Read This Report on College Paper Writing Help A personalized essay is content created for a particular student by making use of their needs being the basis of the assignment. The custom writing companies have a thorough understanding of the situation the majority of the students find themselves and don't overprice. As an ideal student, you require assistance and support, and in addition, you need an ideal customized essay to fulfill your academic needs. Naturally, it helps for students to find a concept of what's often sought in an essay to acquire a better perspective on expectations. Don't hesitate to get in touch with us anytime you will need college admission essay help. It's possible for you to purchase college admission essays. If you wish to know the very best approach to initiate a college admission essay, then here it is in short. Thus, your essay, together with the total on-line application for college admission, ought to be prepare d perfectly. When you finish an essay, it's crucial to take some opportunity to proofread it. In reality, essay writing skills do not have anything to do with nursing skills whatsoever. Admission essay writing needs a great deal of dedication to generate a paper with no mistakes. If writing a great college admissions essay isn't your forte, you can order one from us at any moment. Why Almost Everything You've Learned About College Paper Writing Help Is Wrong Our writers promise to finish the work punctually. During the long years of studying, there will absolutely be a moment when you will require the support of essay writing advisors. If you're getting prepared to go to college and pursue a level, you must understand your childhood is over, and you're making your initial steps into an adult life. Starting an essay, a number of the students realize their life was calm, and there weren't any essential situations worth mentioning, or they haven't learned anything from them. College Paper Writing Help and College Paper Writing Help - The Perfect Combination When you have to compose a college paper but don't understand how to do it, be sure you choose Prime-Writing. Essay papers are most likely the most spread ones. Whenever you try to purchase cheap on-line college papers, Prime-Writing. In addition, the structure of admission essay is completely different from an overall essay so if you're likely to select an overall essay structure or you're going to submit admission essays with the exact same structure then you're committing the biggest mistake that might mess up your college career. Well, admission essays are something you might require in bulk since you're going to be applying to multiple colleges in all likelihood, and you simply cannot keep giving the exact same essay over and over again. You may buy essays online from various companies nowadays, so please be conscious of the simple fact that lots of them have already pre-written essays or m aintain a database of the completed papers. An application essay is extremely personal, but you have to be as sincere and honest as possible to make admissions feel as though they know you, and you're the person who will fit their environment. Many internet writing businesses have employed unreliable writers, and as a consequence, they're not able to supply students with quality and original essays. You might even get advice about how to organize and structure your content to increase quality. You might not receive the crucial support to come across decent source materials for your research. 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You may need to analyze the topic and create your own claims with valid explanations. Essays are a huge portion of the college admissions process and can at times be an intimidating issue. An admission essay is a chance to express yourself and inform the selection panel which you are the proper student for that specific career. College admission essays are definitely the mos t personal portion of your application and often a crucial component. To place an order on the website, simply complete our essay order form on our site, make your payment and watch for the paper to be completed. One of the fundamental tasks of the application essay is to follow along with the directions. Now is a great time to specify any instructions that you would like to give to our writer. In the event the writer working on your essay isn't met with the info you've provided in the purchase form, they will get in touch with you to find extra details.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Football Free Essays
Football and Its Fans A personal interest that I have, is football. I have grown up watching my dad coach football, playing football with my cousins, and watching it on TV. American football, is sport originating from the Greeks. We will write a custom essay sample on Football or any similar topic only for you Order Now The BBC states, â€Å"The purpose of the game Is to move the ball towards, and ultimately into, the opposition’s end zone-This is achieved by either run inning with the ball until tackled, or throwing the ball downfall too team ate†(BBC). Football is considered a spectator’s sport, in which many people watch and play. Along with the many rules and regulations of the sport, there are a few different divisions of football. One cone apt to initially focus on, is the differences of teams and fans in each division of football. Divisions can be defined as the deferent levels of a player’s ability or pay. NFG and college football are the two types of divisions. Although they are similar, they have so me aspects that make them deferent. How to cite Football, Papers
Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Vegetarian (Health, Ethics And Environmetnal Effec Essay Example For Students
Vegetarian (Health, Ethics And Environmetnal Effec Essay ts) Must We Kill To Live? Today youve arrived here with questions. After you read this maybe youll have the answers? If not go to Http:// Whether youre already a vegetarian or if youre only curious about vegetarians I hope you find this informative and maybe influential. Ihope to open your minds enough that youll agree that we dont have to kill to live. We will write a custom essay on Vegetarian (Health, Ethics And Environmetnal Effec specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now I hope to expose you to a lifestyle that doesnt promote violence or death. These are all the reasons you should need to convertyour lifestyle. Ive been a practicing vegetarian for 2 years. A vegetarian is defined as someone who avoids all animal flesh, including fish and poultry. Vegetarians can be sub categorized: Those who avoid flesh but still indulge in animal products such ascheese, milk and eggs are referred to as ovo-lacto-vegetarians. People who reject all animal products are referred to as purevegetarians or vegans. Scientific research shows that ovo-lacto-vegetarians are healthier than meat eaters and vegans arehealthier than both. Now Im going to present you with four reasons everyone should be a vegetarian. First the obvious ethical reasons, second the physiological reasons, third the health reasons and finally the most important reasons for our planet, the environmental impact of a meat based diet. First the ethical reasons to become a vegetarian. The ethical reasons were the first to occur to me when I began considering becoming a vegetarian. Why should any creature lose its life to fill my stomach? Unfortunately most people dont associate the meat on their plate as having had life at one time. In some countries people eat meat of monkeys, dogs. cats, and even other people which is disgusting to us. But its OK for us to kill cows, chickens, or fish cause they are different? At 20 weeks of age, 85 million pigs die for Americans to eat. Another 24 million die due to abuse before they reach slaughter age. Cows normally have a 25 year life span, but most only live to be 3-5 years old before dying to become hamburgers. More than 1 million calves a year are raised for veal. They spend a miserably short life of 16-18 weeks in a crate thats not big enough for them to even stand or move in. Not given any water or solid food, only deficient milk replacers, so they will stay white and tender. Since only female chickens lay eggs over 280 million male chicks are thrown into plastic bags and piled on each other to die. Something to ponder, when you eat out, whats really in that meat? Besides a dead animal? The FDA says certain percentages of unknowns are acceptable. Like cockroach parts, rat feces, and other unknowns. There are over 660,000 animals killed every hour for meat. The average American consumes 200 pounds of meat a year. Hindus believe that eating an animal ingests its fears and misery from the time of its death. Ethically animals live and breath, as we do, they feel pain and know fear. If by not eating meat I spare the torture of another living creature, how small a sacrifice is that? If the ethical reasons werent convincing read on to the physiological reasons. Physiology refers to the way were built, our anatomy. The differences between animals who were created to be predators (carnivores) and humans are distinct. Carnivores have long teeth and claws for holding and killing prey, humans have short teeth and no claws. The jaws of carnivores open in an up and down motion and shred, a humans jaw moves sideways for grinding and chewing as well as up and down. Humans are more similar to monkeys than carnivores like lions. There are many more differences that are too technical for me. Well, weve covered ethical and physiological reasons, now lets move on to health. Vegetarians enjoy excellent health consistent with dietary guidelines and meet the recommended daily allowances for nutrients. .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d , .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .postImageUrl , .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d , .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d:hover , .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d:visited , .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d:active { border:0!important; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d:active , .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uf5d4fab23c2c455ae7da9067f8fa914d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Our Declining Education System Essay The PCRM also lists a host of health benefits of a vegetarian diet including, prevention of cancer, heart disease, lowering blood pressure, preventing and reversing diabetes, preventing and alleviating gallstones and kidney stones as well as aiding osteoporosis and asthma. When looking at .
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